Planes semanales de entrenamiento
Reciba una receta personalizada de soporte nutricional y de microbioma oral para remineralizar y restaurar naturalmente sus dientes, encías y microbiota oral.
Planes avanzados de entrenamiento de salud bucal
Sesiones semanales de coaching para avanzar completamente en sus estrategias, rutinas y procesos de cuidado bucal holístico diario para personas que desean complementar su experiencia natural de curación dental con orientación, conocimiento y apoyo más frecuentes.
Los programas de entrenamiento avanzado brindan a los pacientes una guía rápida para lograr una mayor palanca de consistencia, responsabilidad y apoyo en el camino hacia la salud y bienestar bucal holístico.
Let Us Help You!
Unlock holistic oral health today... Schedule initial consultation
Planes semanales de entrenamiento
Opciones optimizadas y avanzadas para consultoría holística de salud bucal
Los programas de entrenamiento avanzado brindan a los pacientes una guía rápida para lograr una mayor palanca de consistencia, responsabilidad y apoyo en el camino hacia la salud y bienestar bucal holístico.
3 Month Plan
13 Coaching Sessions + Intro- Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
- Holistic Oral Health Assessment (Evaluation)
- Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
- Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
- Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
- 7 bi-monthly 1:1 sessions (lasting 60 min)
- Email & text support between sessions
- Our full support and accountability
- Additional sessions at $79/hour
- Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the package ($299/month)
6 Month Plan
26 Coaching Sessions + Intro- Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
- Holistic Oral Health Assessment (Evaluation)
- Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
- Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
- Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
- 7 bi-monthly 1:1 sessions (lasting 60 min)
- Email & text support between sessions
- Our full support and accountability
- Additional sessions at $69/hour
- Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the package ($169/month)
12 Month Plan
52 Coaching Sessions + Intro- Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
- Holistic Oral Health Assessment (Evaluation)
- Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
- Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
- Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
- 7 bi-monthly 1:1 sessions (lasting 60 min)
- Email & text support between sessions
- Our full support and accountability
- Additional sessions at $59/hour
- Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the package ($239/month)
¡Elija de nuestros otros planes!
Eche un vistazo a nuestras opciones de consultoría de salud oral holística básica y mejorada.
Mira nuestros planes más relajados …
Basic Monthly
Coaching Plans- Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
- Holistic Health Assessment (30-60 min)
- Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
- Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
- Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
- Monthly sessions (lasting 60 min)
- Email & text support between sessions
- Our full support and accountability
- Additional sessions at $100/hour
- Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the program
Enhanced Bi-Monthly
Coaching Plans- Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
- Holistic Health Assessment (30-60 min)
- Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
- Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
- Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
- Bi-Monthly sessions (lasting 60 min)
- Email & text support between sessions
- Our full support and accountability
- Additional sessions at $90/hour
- Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the program
Our Commitment
Holistic oral health coaching plans will both guide and inspire you to embrace a healthier and cleaner mouth!
To decide if holistic oral health coaching is the right fit for you, we invite you to schedule a free 30-minute complementary introduction session. During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how to best support you in achieving your goals.
¿Que estas esperando? ¡Hagámoslo!