Oral Microbiome Coaching Plans

Receive a personalized nutritional and oral microbiome support prescription for naturally restoring your body's gut-wall flora and oral microbiota.

Oral Microbiome Coaching Plans

Our oral microbiome coaching plans allow you to wholesomely advance your daily holistic oral homecare strategies, routines and processes for individuals wishing to complement their natural dental healing experience with more frequent guidance, insight and support. 

These unique oral microbiome coaching sessions provide patients with a fast-track guide to achieve a higher lever of consistency, accountability and support on the path to restoring there oral microbiome and gut-wall flora.

Let Us Help You!

Unlock holistic oral health today... Schedule initial consultation

Oral Microbiome Coaching Plans

Optimized and advanced options for balancing the beneficial and healthy bacteria.

The Oral Microbiome coaching programs provide patients with a fast-track guide to achieve a higher lever of consistency, accountability and support on the path to holistic oral health and wellness.

3-Month Oral Flora Plan

13 Coaching Sessions + Intro
$ 899
Starter Microbiome Program
  • Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
  • Holistic Oral Health Assessment (Evaluation)
  • Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
  • Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
  • Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
  • 13 bi-monthly 1:1 sessions (lasting 60 min)
  • Email & text support between sessions
  • Our full support and accountability
  • Additional sessions at $79/hour
  • Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the package ($199/month)

6-Month Oral Flora Plan

26 Coaching Sessions + Intro
$ 1699
Advanced Microbiome Program
  • Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
  • Holistic Oral Health Assessment (Evaluation)
  • Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
  • Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
  • Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
  • 26 bi-monthly 1:1 sessions (lasting 60 min)
  • Email & text support between sessions
  • Our full support and accountability
  • Additional sessions at $69/hour
  • Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the package ($169/month)

12-Month Oral Flora Plan

52 Coaching Sessions + Intro
$ 2499
Master Microbiome Program
  • Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
  • Holistic Oral Health Assessment (Evaluation)
  • Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
  • Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
  • Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
  • 52 bi-monthly 1:1 sessions (lasting 60 min)
  • Email & text support between sessions
  • Our full support and accountability
  • Additional sessions at $59/hour
  • Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the package ($139/month)

Choose from our other plans!

Take a look at our Detox and ERegenerative consulting options.

Check out our more relaxed plans…

Detox Monthly

Coaching Plans
$ 79
3, 6 & 12 month plans available!
  • Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
  • Holistic Health Assessment (30-60 min)
  • Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
  • Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
  • Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
  • Monthly sessions (lasting 60 min)
  • Email & text support between sessions
  • Our full support and accountability
  • Additional sessions at $100/hour
  • Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the program

Regenerative Bi-Monthly

Coaching Plans
$ 129
3, 6 & 12 month plans available!
  • Nutritional & Oral Microbiome Support
  • Holistic Health Assessment (30-60 min)
  • Comprehensive Oral Pre-diagnosis (Report)
  • Introductory Intake Session (60-90 min)
  • Healthy teeth & gums meal planning
  • Bi-Monthly sessions (lasting 60 min)
  • Email & text support between sessions
  • Our full support and accountability
  • Additional sessions at $90/hour
  • Option to go month-to-month upon completion of the program

Our Commitment

Microbiome coaching plans will both guide and inspire you to embrace a healthier and cleaner mouth!

To decide if Oral Microbiome coaching is the right fit for you, we invite you to schedule a free 30-minute complementary introduction session. During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how to best support you in achieving your goals.

Complementary Oral Microbiome Consultation
What are you waiting for? Let's do this!
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