BPA & Metal-Free Dentistry
Today, thanks to advanced metal & BPA free dental technology, choosing a bio-compatible dental restoration material that is completely free of Bis-GMA, phenol, bisphenol, nickel, cadmium, aluminium, aluminum barium, palladium, beryllium, titanium and other toxic metals used in the majority of non-amalgam dental “white filling” composite materials is possible.
This has led us to limit the use of these conventional composites and using a material with a unique chemistry that does not contain any metals or BPA. This material is called DiamondLite. A non-toxic, highly biocompatible material that appears to be inert as it invokes no response from the body and seen by most biological dentists to be highly compatible with the immune system.
DiamondLite composites are more durable than amalgam and beat amalgam in all other categories of comparison including high strength high fracture toughness, hardness, wear resistance, low shrinkage, superb color stability, shade match, and excellent fit. It has a wear rate similar to natural teeth, it is non-cytotoxic which means that it does not kill the bodies tissue cells (most dental materials are cytotoxic) and has a toxicity rating of “0” (non-toxic) measured by the ADA/ANSI 0-5 rating scale
According to Clifford’s and Biocomp’s blood serum compatibility test reports, DiamondLite is the number one composite that people’s bodies are able to tolerate best.
Costa Rican BioDental is pleased to offer DiamondLite for patients who are looking for true biological compatibility.
If you want to learn more about this breakthrough material visit the company website at www.drmco.com or call our office to schedule a consult to see if it is right for you.
Metal & BPA Free. Completely free of Bis-GMA, phenol, bisphenol, nickel, cadmium, aluminum, aluminum barium, palladium, beryllium, titanium and other toxic metals used in the majority of composites.
More durable then amalgam. Beats amalgam in all other categories of comparison including; high strength, high fracture toughness, wear resistance, low shrinkage, superb color stability, shade match, and excellent fit.
Non-cytotoxic and highly biocompatable. Inert and non-cytotoxic as it invokes no response from the body and therefore does not kill the bodies tissue cells (most dental materials are cytotoxic).
Did You Know?
According to Clifford’s and Biocomp’s blood serum compatibility test reports, DiamondLite is the number one composite that people’s bodies are able to tolerate best. (see for yourself)
“Biocompatability” A Fundamental Property!
In terms of Strength, Shrinkage & Biocompatibility…
“There is no better composite material available!”
“CONCLUSION: Diamond materials do not contain any cytotoxic-metallic ion constituents, any evaporable methacrylic acid constituents or any chemistry that yields mucous membrane irritation, fibroblasts changes, epithelial changes, microabscess formation, lysis or hemolytic behavior. This is in contrast to many other commonly used dental restoratives.” BIODENT.
“Biocompatibility should be a fundamental property of any material designed for dental or medical use. All Diamond materials have been tested according to recognized ISO and /or ANSI/ADA Standards such as ISO #10993, ANSI/ADA # 41 and EN # 30990. They have also successfully passed numerous clinical evaluations by qualified health professionals worldwide. Although materials who rate 2 or less are presently deemed acceptable, we consider 0 as the better benchmark. DiamondCrown, DiamondLite, DiamondFlow, DiamondLink and DiamondBond have all tested ZERO in their respective tests.” BIODENT.
Did You Know?
Costa Rican BioDental is one of the only dental clinics in the world to follow DiamondLite’s best practice recommendations and therefore consistently achieve optimum results. Our strict process requires the DiamondBond conditioners and primers to prepare the teeth, the DiamondFlow base to line and build up, along with the DiamondLED to cure.
Best Composite Material Available!
Strength. Ideal for TMJ Syndrome, Bruxers and Habitual Clenchers due to itʼs shock absorbing characteristics, wear resistance and Super High Fracture Toughness. simulates the functional-aesthetics of wear resistance similar of NATURAL TOOTH!
Shrinkage. Fantastic marginal integrity, ultimate longevity and very low shrinkage to guarantee excellent fit and long lasting superior adhesion.
Aesthetics. Superb color stability, accurate shade match and stain resistance. Mimics the properties of Natural Tooth Structure.
Did you know?
Unlike other holistic and/or biological dentist’s, we follow DiamondLite’s best practice recommendations and therefore use DiamondBond primers to prepare the teeth, DiamondFlow base to line and the DiamondLED curing light for the final bonding.